Lease Agreements | Ellis And Partners Legal Practitioners

Lease Agreements

A lease agreement (also commonly referred to as a rental agreement), which should preferably be in writing, regulates the relationship between a landlord (as the lessor) and a tenant (as the lessee),  in respect of an immovable property and records the rights and obligations of the parties to the agreement. 

A landlord and tenant should avoid entering into a verbal lease agreement and rather opt to enter into a written agreement, which will, to a great extent, lessen disputes. Lease disputes can, to a great extent, be avoided through the execution of a well drafted lease agreement which clearly records the parties’ rights and obligations under the lease. 

Ellis & Partners, due to its in depth understanding of contract drafting, have developed lease agreements which meet the needs of any client and adequately protects the rights of both the landlord and tenant. 

Each lease agreement is unique to its own set of terms and conditions, so lease agreement templates should be avoided. Ellis & Partners has therefore designed an efficient mechanism for the drafting of lease agreements, which allows our clients to effortlessly provide us with the fundamental terms and conditions of their intended lease agreement. This is done through the lease generator table found below, which fields our clients can complete and which allow us to efficiently and swiftly populate the terms into a draft lease agreement for review by the client. 

Once you’ve completed and submitted the fields in the table, our office will provide you with a fee estimate and proceed with the opening of a file.

Should you wish to instruct us to draft a lease agreement, we kindly ask that complete the below fields as thoroughly as possible as this will likely avoid excessive changes to the draft lease agreement.

Client details:

Parties to Agreement:

Description of property to be leased:

Description of property to be leased:

Bank account to which rental should be paid: